At the close of House Business today Saqib will be speaking in the Adjournment Debate on A&E Services in Solihull, that I managed to recently secure.
Adjournment debates take place at the end of every business day in the House of Commons and are typically on a very specific issue or policy, each Member has the opportunity to enter the ballot to pick the topic and I have been successful and have chosen to dicuss access to A&E services.
Saqib commented "I have been a longstanding campaigner on this issue alongside neighbouring MP Dr Neil Shastri-Hurst MP and I am looking forward to bringing to attention again the reasons as to why we need to restore access to A&E services at Solihull Hospital.
Over 1600 people in the Meriden and Solihull East constituency have signed my petition to restore these services and I will continue to bang the drum to ensure they are rightfully restored at Solihull Hospital.
I am certainly looking toward to it!"